Sunday 3 October 2010

Its pays to back up your USB once in a while...aaarghh! Week 4 Preview.

Having spent the past two days avoiding the Editors pointed questions and skulking around the darkened corridors of Tribune Towers, Carl and Bob have finally had to admit to all and sundry that their initial draft of this week’s preview has unfortunately been lost to the ether. 


The full ramifications of the loss of the official CNFLE II USB stick have yet to be realised, but with such sensitive information contained there within, state secrets, confidential memos and the like it is quite conceivable that the fallout yet to come could end somewhere in the region of ‘Watergate’ proportions. Having spent the past two days searching high and lo, it is with red faces that our duo have finally had to admit defeat, put a fresh sheet in the typewriter to submit this truncated Week 4 preview.  Gutted.

Game of the Week

The Hairy Frog Disco v Tim Riggins Bench Warmers

Riggins to remain unbeaten?  It's no laughing matter.

At the commencement of the season, if you would have told us that the Bench Warmers, would be hosting the Disco trying to maintain their unbeaten start to the season, then we would have belly laughed you out of the restaurant, claiming that you had ‘had a few drops of the old vino tinto too many dear fellow’. But that is indeed where we are, and the fact that the Disco have also impressed thus far, albeit luckily in the opinion of some, and the fact that Riggins Coach Stringer has fallen from the Wilson Coaching tree in a Mangini / Belechick or Payton / Parcells kind of scenario makes this game even more of a stand out fixture.

Jay Cutler has been scoring points for fun as Chicago have made an impressive start to the year, however last week against a good D he wasn’t quite as productive, This week he is up against the Giants, who aren’t all that so Cutler should go well. Brady is on the same pace as his 50 TD season. He won’t end up with that many this time, but always does well against Miami. Nothing to choose between these two this week. 
Edge : Riggins

With Thomas Jones on a bye week, Riggins will hand the keys to the Bench warmers backfield engine to the novice, CJ Spiller. We understand Buffalo will give him more touches, but its Buffalo we are talking about and 20 touches at 2.5 yards average yards and no TD’s, still doesn’t amount to much. Portis will rumble on all day against the Eagles if healthy, but that game is all about McNabb, so see the passing game feature heavily. For the Disco, Turner seems to be fully fit again and should be good for his regular solid performance against a shaky San Fran rush defence in the Georgia Dome. Beanie Wells showed last week that his meniscus is fully repaired and is the feature back in the desert, his involvement in the Arizona offence will grow at the expense of Hightowers production.  
Edge : Disco

In the wide areas, Riggins strength in the receiving department is under close scrutiny this week as Houston’s Andre Johnson is listed as questionable. Johnson absence would have a massive impact on the Bench Warmers receiving production. Wayne will score well against an average Jacksonville secondary, and Hines Ward will hope that Charlie Batch can reproduce last week’s performance against the Ravens, but we think that’s unlikely. The Disco, after flirting with Denver’s Demaryius Thomas, re-instate Donald Driver into the centre of a solid looking trio. All have good matchups, ‘85’ is up against the Browns, Driver fights his old foe the Lions and Nicks will be in a shootout against the Bears in the Meadowlands. If Johnson is good to go it makes this matchup close, if not then the Disco will dominate. 
Edge : Disco

Are there any hotter tight ends in the game than the two facing up against each other this week? Disco’s patience with ‘Tom’ Celek and the ‘Vick factor’ has expired and with Keller exploding into life this season as Franchise Sanchez’ favourite target, makes his season debut. Gonzo had a monster game against the ‘they are who we thought they are’ ‘Aints and will attract more attention in defensive schemes as a result. Gonzo does however benefit from the better offensive package, but Keller is up against the Bills. 
Edge : Disco

Riggins wait to see who can fill in this week for Longwell, who is on a bye. The Chargers have been steady points thus far and play the error strewn Cards. The Disco Pittsburgh D has been stepping up to the plate each of the three weeks played thus far and will look to do so again in a divisional battle against the Ravens. Despite the hype, the Ravens have struggled against good defences, and this Pittsburgh D is a just that. Vinatieri will be Mr. consistent again. 
Edge :  Disco

Despite the Rookies excellent start to the season, the Disco have outscored them in each of the first three weeks, in fact the Disco’s lowest weekly score is still higher than the Bench warmers highest. Belechick wins, and not by videotaping the opposition.
 Verdict : Disco by 10

Its A Lottery v French Leader

Possible upset special?

By all rights, this should be a no contest, all sensible projections suggest this should be a straightforward victory for the flamboyant Gallic coach, and with the Lottery riddled with bye week absentees including their no.1 wide out Miles Austin, if this were a boxing match it would never have been sanctioned by the WBO or WBA, (maybe the IBF would have, but then they have few scruples), as to let a gimpy, half blind octogenarian into the ring with Mike Tyson in his pomp would not have made much of a spectacle. Euthanasia yes, spectacle no. But hang on there. This half blind, gimpy octogenarian just might have a shot.

Brees could score a hatful, Hillis is the sum total of the Browns offence, Addai is featuring more than usual in the rebooted Indy offence and the all new Lottery receiving corps have favourable matchups. Picking up the form players on the waiver wire has been a great success for the Lottery. If everything goes as it could the Lottery could be upsetting the form book and then readers, we are definitely through the looking glass....

French Leader dispatched Fear factory easily last week and not much was made of that performance as it much to be expected, however the manner of victory suggested that this team is heading in the right direction. In the tightest of all divisions, the Frenchies sole defeat came against the Disco, with points left on the bench. Rodgers and McFadden will score heavily this week, but can McCoy get enough purchase against a resolute Redskins D? Is Williams a better matchup? Boldin is up against a proper defense this week and if one of the top two fails to produce then it’s difficult to see where the points might come from.

Only a fool would back against the French on recent form, but don’t be surprised if the Lottery run the French close. Possible upset special alert. Woo woo woo!!!

Verdict : Leader by 6

Bryant’s Baptists v Yoda From Wales

Baptists to inflect Yoda's first wound?

Yoda wins again, what’s left to say? However scratch the surface and doesn’t the little green master bleed like the rest of us?

The Baptist’s bench McNabb this week in favour of Jets QB, franchise Sanchez, the matchup against the hapless Bills proving too good to resist. Forte and Green is a pairing that could go either way with LT ‘Mcnabbing’ the Jets starting job from Green in the Big Apple and Forte part of a pass first offence. The value of Carolina’s Steve Smith is decreasing weekly with the teams quarterback issues still not resolved. Finley will go well, however it doesn’t bode well for the Baptists as they will be relying on TE Finley to grab enough points though to see the Baptists triumph.

Stop the press however, AP is on a bye week, Yoda’s talisman is unavailable. Is this the week that the myth is shattered? No. Despite AP’s absence, Yoda still fields a strong looking line up. Shaub will continue his production, as will Arian Foster for the Texans. Indy’s Collie will attract more defensive attention after back to back performances but has solidified his status as Manning’s No.2 wide receiving target after Wayne. Look for Brandon Marshall to put up big, big numbers this week as his relationship with Chad Henne blossoms against a poor Patriots secondary.

Although AP is not available it is difficult to see how the Baptists can upset the formbook with the matchups on offer. That is not to say it can’t happen, but the Baptists have flattered to deceive so far this season. Yoda to remain perfect.

Verdict : Yoda by 10

The Bone Rocks v Seventy Nine FC

The Rocks to take another beating?

As my colleague David Marrs correctly pointed out in the week 3 review, after the victory against the previously unbeaten Disco, the Niners would be 3 and oh but for a 0.64 of a point conceded to the French. The Bone were very harshly put in their place last week by a rampant Yoda. Can they put their season back on track or will they fall further behind the diminutive green sorcerer.

Good matchups give Bone hope this week, Ryan will control the game for the Falcons against the 49ers, we understand Gore will see more of the ball with the new offensive co-ordinator and Jennings and Megatron will bounce back and face off against each other at Lambeau. Bone coach Lars has released the 49ers D with a heavy heart and replaced them with a Titans squad that should scare the living daylights out of Kyle Orton and his Denver compatriots.

Buoyed by last weeks victory, Coach Martin will look to Peyton Manning again to lead his team to victory. Best has produced big totals early this season, but if the Pack gets too far ahead early he may not see enough of the ball. The peril of have a Lions running back! Smart dealings brought in BJGE from the Pats, and he has been installed as the unquestioned starter in New England. Last weeks hero Dexter McCluster has been dropped back into the waiver pool and Braylon Edwards and Brandon Lloyd come in as replacements following good performances last week.

Despite the good start to the season, the consistency of the Seventy Niners and the ability to be able to pick a winning waiver should be enough to set the Bone rocking, back and forth that is.

Verdict : Niners by 10

Fear factory v Royale with TD’s

Head Coach Botond.

Fear when channelled properly can give a tenacious competitor the edge, if it becomes all pervading then it’s a journey down the slow road to ‘loserville’. Currently that is exactly where the Factory’s fear is taking them. Royale on the other hand have bounced back following defeat on the opening day to record two straight if unspectacular victories and sit tantalisingly behind Riggins in second place in Division 1. Can Factory find the road to redemption, or will Royale become a silent but deadly foe?

Having consigned Grandad Brett to the waivers, Josh Freeman has gone the same way as the Factory start QB no.3 and the Raider’s Gradkowski gets the nod. Maroney and Matthews look a little lightweight in the backfield, but on the plus side the receiving corps looks like it could provide a decent return. Factory bring in the Pats rookie Tight End Aaron Hernandez, who is set to become a staple part of the Brady bunch.

Royale’s understated start has been reflected in the running back department, where both Rice and Jackson have yet to deliver. This is the game that will change that for Jackson as he runs amock against the Seahawks. Rice though will have to wait. Rivers will go well against the Cards. In the receiving department Royale look a little thin. Sims Walker has yet to shine and could struggle against a proficient Indy D, Henderson is one of many hungry birds in the nest and although Bradford is improving, it is feared that he won’t produce consistently enough to get Clayton the ball all the time.

More Fear for the Factory, as they vie with the Lottery for next years No.1 pick. Royale to keep going steady away and join Riggins at 3&1
Verdict : Royale by 14

Super Swedes v Ttttaylor
Head Coach P give his team the thumbs up.

More woe last week for the Scandinavian maestro led to an unusually candid outburst ‘I hate this game’ bemoaned Coach Peter.  Ttttaylor finally found some form and showed the league why they were slated as pre season favourites by beating the Lottery even without a defence.

With Romo and Charles on bye weeks, the Swedes bring in Hasselbeck and Justin Forsett who will face off against the improving Rams. MJD has yet to shine but will see a lot of the ball against Indy and is a good match for their front line. Look for a good return from the pocket rocket. Roddy White will anchor the Swedes receiving output, but Evans and Crabtree have been disappointing thus far and will need to step up if the Swedes are to become super. The Bengals will grab a fair score against the Browns this week.

Will the real Ttttaylor please sttttand up? Just as pundits were scratching their trilbyed heads following the opening two games defeats for Ttttaylor, the absence of a defence suggested that focus may be an issue for the pres season favourites. ‘Too many late nights?’ the paps offered as a rationale for the lacklustre performance. Rumours that Michael Vick and Plaxico Burress had been seen with Coach J shooting at the moon surfaced and there was apparently unrest in the Ttttaylor camp. But all that went out of the window with their victory against Lottery. They’re back and with Johnson and Benson set to run all over the Broncos and Browns, who will care if Flacco has another flop? Jackson and Knox are the deep ball speedsters who will bag a touchdown each and Dallas Clark will be in the Indy game from start to finish.

More misery for the Swedes, as Ttttaylors tttteam tttturns the corner and joins the Rock at ttt2 and ttt2 and on the hunt for the galloping green goblin.  
Verdict : Ttttaylor by ttt10

And there we have it once again for this week. The crystal ball (more of that to come once the USB can be located) brought back from the centre of the earth predicts Wins for Hairy Frog Disco, French Leader, Yoda, Royale, Ttttaylor and Seventy Nine FC. Yoda will remain perfect, there will still be a three way tie in Division 3, and I am afraid more work is required at the drawing boards purchased recently by the Swedes, Lottery and the Factory.

As a result Bob & Carl are off down the bookies to place a small wager with official bookmaker Vasco De Gama who is currently offering the following odds on the eventual winner.

Yoda from Wales 1/5
Seventy Nine FC 4/1
The Hairy Frog Disco 4/1
French Leader 4/1
Tim Riggins Bench Warmers 5/1
Royale with TD’s 5/1
The Bone Rocks 8/1
Ttttaylor 8/1
Bryants Baptists 10/1
Super Swedes 16/1
Its A Lottery 16/1
Fear Factory 20/1

Anyone wish to bet a couple of Carltons* on who might be the winner? (Please bet responsibly).

Good luck for week 4 gentlemen.


* A Carlton is the imaginary currency of the CNFLE II. Each Coach starts with an credit account of 10 Carltons that they can use over the course of the season on hypothetical wagers without damaging the ‘real life’ finances unduly.


  1. is federer not a swiss fellow?

  2. Federer aren't from Sweden, that much I know.

    Don't feel to great about this week (again), there's something wrong with my team this year. But hey - C. Johnson could always break his leg, and Flacco hasn't looked spectacular so far...

  3. The Federer error has been corrected. Apologies to all concerned.

  4. Apology accepted.

    It look like my game will go down to the wire this week as well... If DeSean Jackson keeps dropping balls, no one will be more happy than me.

  5. The Lottery and the Fear Factory also in with a shout. A 9-5 record should be good enough for the wildcard spot.

  6. what is happening with my team? why can't my running backs run..... thank goodness for the wr's...... if cutler hadn't imploded we coulda lost to an 8 man team... ooohhhh the shame!!
