Saturday 16 October 2010

Missing In Action - Week 6 Preview

Missing In Action. - Week 6 Preview

An hour had passed since our heroic reporting tandem had put Bond on hold. This was most unusual, mused the espionage ace. Most unusual indeed. In fact this apparent abandonment by Bob and Carl was so unusual that Bond thought that he should do the unthinkable. Indupitably a man of swift action, he turned off Britains got Talent, pulled up his breeches and left the fair Tatania sprawled across the silken sheeted four poster, but not of course until he gave her soft silky skin one last caress and ordered champagne and strawberries on room service for when she awoke.

When Bond arrived at Bob & Carls place, the door was no longer a door, it was a jar, that much Bond had noticed as he carefully dropped down the basement steps,taking care to see if anyone was hanging around looking decidedly suspicious. After convincing himself that all was clear, he pushed the door wide open with  the nose of his unholstered Colt. Nothing.

Gingerly entering the room he noticed that apart from the usual papers strewn across the desk it all looked in order, but Bond sensed something was amiss. Where were they? It was all too quiet.

Replacing his weapon, Bond looked over the remnants of the pairs recent workings and, looking closely at the pattern of the individual pieces of paper, he realised that some of the assorted sheets had a common word scribed in capitals across the top.

Nottingham.  Why?

Was that where the boys had gone? Nottingham? But why?

Bond took stock, he rummaged through all the papers gathering all the pages with the magical word across them. They numbered twenty eight in total. Was this significant too? He read the top of the first page.

Game of the Week.

Super Swedes v Seventy Nine FC

White hot?

Both teams are on great form, The Swedes followed up their first win of the season with a good old fashioned drubbing of the early season pace setters, Yoda. The Seventy Niners are a gnats chuff away from being five and oh baby, and despite only being ranked 3rd at this present time look like they are in for the long haul.

Romo and Austin is all da Pokes have got these days, but that is usually good for a couple of hundred yards a game. Peyton will return to form this week after his first dud of the season.- Edge : Niners

Finally the Chiefs have worked out that Charles is their guy. Mojo is back to full fitness and like Romo for the Cowboys is pretty much it for the Jags. Green Ellis is up against the Ravens so don’t hold out too much hope for him and Jacobs is the second back in a pass first scheme. Edge : Swedes

Is there a hotter receiver in the League right now than White? Okay, Lloyd, Austin and Nicks are all good too but you get my point, this White guy is on fire and will probably score as many as all three receivers for some teams in the league that we care not to mention. Who cares what Thomas and Crabtree do, which may not be much, the Roddy White show is the only show in town. Lloyd will struggle against the Jets, Garcon is not fully fit yet and Edwards will lose touches to Holmes and Keller. Edge : Swedes

Hands up who thought Lewis would be a viable fantasy option this year after flopping the past 3? Not me for one! But he is and more to the point he will be again this week. Miller is the only reliable target in Oakland, leading both receptions and yards for a hapless Raiders team and you got to love the matchup against the Niners. Edge : Niners

Is this the week the 49ers break their duck. Could be. Look for a mauling of the Raiders offence as they take out five weeks of sloppy play in one week. Same can be said for the Vikes against a Dallas O line that has more holes than a piece of swiss cheese Edge : Niners

Okay then this one has me stumped. Even though the Niners shade the categories three to two, they edge their wins whilst the Swedes moider the Niners in the running back and wide receiver department. You know what’ coming. I’m with the Swedes this week after all I won a small fortune on them last week. They’re my boys and will make it three on the spin!

Verdict: Swedes by 3

Ttttaylor v Royale with TD’s

Will Flacco make hay?

Despite being written off Ttttalor still has a ttteam that can tttake anyone. Last week saw Royale almost upset the lucky Frogs but came up agonizingly short.
Flacco will make hay against the Pats, but problems with the chemistry between Jackson and Kolb will limit the Ttttaylor tttotal. Rivers will run roughshod over the Rams and will lead the Royale boys to victory.

Verdict : Royale by 10

Yoda From Wales v Tim Riggins Bench Warmers

Yoda taunts the Rook.

Beware the wounded animal. Is Yoda an animal? Perhaps not, but beware him anyway after the Welsh wizard followed the form of his footballing countrymen and tasted failure for the first time. After dropping their first loss in week 4 Riggins bounced back to grind out another low scoring victory last week.

Has the Houston bubble burst? Yoda drops Shaub in favour of the former Longhorn star, Vince Young. (‘Go ‘Horns’). Foster keeps his place but will play a secondary role to Peterson who will lead the charge for Yoda this week against an erratic Cowboys front line. The trio of receivers hold the key for Riggins. All have matchups which suggest that they will be in passing formations for much of the game.

Verdict : Yoda by 17

The Bone Rocks v Fear Factory

Big Ben.  The difference maker?

After a two game slump the Boners beat up on the French last week and should continue their good form against winless Fear Factory. Coach Botond’s never say die attitude is helping the Factory through this football recession, but how long before they fall on their sword?

Megatron is dinged up, but Brown is back. Ryan is steady but not spectacular, the Boners will post about 95 points which is usually enough to beat a flailing Factory score. Stop the press though, Roethlisberger is back, Moss is re-energized, Matthews is gaining confidence with every game and Moreno will be back as the Denver starter this week in the absence of a viable alternative. Could this be the week that the Factory fly? By jove, I think the impossible has happened!

Verdict : Factory by 3

Bryant’s Baptists v French Leader

Wes Welker.

Bryant’s boys scored heavily to put one over the Ttttaylor last week and will be looking for more of the same this week against a French Leader who may have lost his following.
Mendenhall will batter the Browns after his bye and Forte will keep up the good work against a Seahawk defence that will have its hands full keeping an eye on Cutler. Rodgers is limited this week without a running game or any tight ends to play with and may suffer as a result. Owners beware. Welker will need to be at his elusive best to avoid being cuffed by the Ravens interior D over and over and over, like a monkey with his miniature cymbal.

Verdict : Bryant by 10

The Hairy Frog Disco v Its A Lottery

It all about LT.

This historic rivalry reaches its 7th episode with the Disco leading the series by four wins to two. Which ultimately counts for nothing. Neither does the fact the Lottery have not won a game so far this year. Not even one. Nada. Zip. Nil. Niet. A big fat round egg of a zero. Doesn’t matter a jot. Honest.

Hakeem Nicks will be the key to the Disco success this week. If he continues with his explosive early season form and snaffles a couple of TD’s and a ton of yards then the Hairies have a chance. Brady will be adjusting to life after Moss and we await the results with baited breath. For the LoTTery iT’s aLL about LT. Along with TO, LT has become a 2010 fantasy zombie! Added to Miles Austins regular 200 yard game, things look good for the winless wonders. Disco’s luck to break!!

Verdict : Lottery by 10

Bond looked up from the various pieces of paper that contained the cryptic messages above. What does it all mean? He spied some etchings on the wall by the door. It looked horribly as if Bob and Carl had been at the sea water again after all, who would ever dream that Yoda, Royale, Swedes, Bryant, Lottery and the Fear Factory could win in week 6? The odds on that accumulator would be astronomical. If only we had a crystal ball to see when such a ridiculous sequence could occur!

‘Nottingham!’ ejaculated Bond suddenly. ‘The head quarters of Vasco De Gama, official turf accountant of the CNFLE II’.

And off he shot.

Yoda from Wales 2/5
The Hairy Frog Disco 4/1
Seventy Nine FC 5/1
Tim Riggins Bench Warmers 8/1
Royale with TD’s 8/1
Super Swedes 10/1
French Leader 12/1
Bone Rocks 12/1
Bryants Baptists 12/1
Ttttaylor 16/1
It’s A Lottery 20/1
Fear Factory 33/1

Anyone wish to bet a couple of Carltons* on who might be the winner? (Please bet responsibly).

Good luck for the week 6 gentlemen.


* A Carlton is the imaginary currency of the CNFLE II. Each Coach starts with an credit account of 10 Carltons that they can use over the course of the season on hypothetical wagers without damaging the ‘real life’ finances unduly.


  1. is Bond on his way to nottingham?:o the suspense is to much to handly, do i really have to wait a whole week to find out what the hell is going on!!! :)

  2. My bench scored 64.60 this week. Is that a record? And should I be excited or depressed?

  3. You should only be depressed if you coach the Lottery.
