Wednesday 20 October 2010

Shifting Sands.

"Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence."

This Week Yoda From Wales Loses To...

Its often said that the written press have a tendency to build up their heroes only to take great pleasure knocking them off their media induced pedestal. Its a practise that this reporter would never condone. But how rubbish are Yoda from Wales?!? First comes the defeat to the Swedes. Okay, we all have an off day (or six of them if your the Fear Factory) then comes the release of phone calls made by Yoda to Princess Leia inviting her back to his hotel after jedi training, ('pictures of me send I will.') and to cap it all off the once green God is beaten for the second consecutive week this time by a rookie.
The worry for Yoda is that except for WR Owens this was the his line up of choice, a choice that included leaving 27.50pt QB Schaub on the bench. The Rook continues to show the rest of the league how its done. That first round reach for WR Johnson (22.80pts) is looking inspired. His QB rotation policy always ends up with the highest scoring QB in his starting line up and TE Gonzalez (13.90pts) contributes more than the Lotteries entire receiving core. This is fantasy genius ladies and gentleman, a coach that is ushering is a new world order to the once stale CNFLEII. Climb aboard your pedestal rookie, you deserve it.

(NB: A Rookie has never won CNFLE)

The Lottery Grab First Win!

This one was all over when Lottery WR Austin took a sixty yard pass from Romo to the house leaving Disco Kicker Vinatieri needing an unattainable 17pts haul in the late game. What? Offensive pass interference against Austin? You mean the Lottery have to give all those points back? Still, its not like Austin won't get another chance. It's not like Austin is going to finish the game with 1.2pts is it? That's almost as unlikely as Lottery WR Harvin posting 3.90pts or Lottery WR Walter not scoring at all! Wait a minute aren't the Lottery up against the masters of Vodoo and good fortune ? Yes, the curse of the Disco strikes another dagger into the heart of the Lotteries winless season. With the Disco needing 7pts from the boot of Vinatieri in the late game, the Colts kicker (100% so far this season) even shanked a couple of field goals wide right just to keep it interesting but when his fourth field goal attempt sailed through the uprights it was goodnight Lottery.

(NB: This was the first time since 1970 that the Colts had four or more field goal attempts in a regular season game.)

The Crème Fraiche Always Rises To The Top.

Bo.  Would you selecta?

The Baptists really needed this one to convince the rest of they the league of their playoff potential and whilst this wasn't a season defining defeat it did serve to add to a body of evidence that suggests they will finish amongst the also runs. Trailing by 15.50pts going into the Monday night game the Baptists needed a big performance from their last man standing, TE Bo Scaife.  Big bad Bo's 53yrds and 1 TD closed the gap to just 4pts but thats where his production ended and with it the chance of a Baptist win.
The French Leader will be relived to come out of this low scoring game with a win particularly after leaving WR Maclin and his 30.90pts on the bench. This win keeps the Leader in touch in the leagues toughest division, if they can keep it close during the middle of the season they will be well placed to cause an upset come the divisional rematches in Weeks 12 & 13.

(NB: Crème Fraiche contains 28% butterfat.)

Team Of The Last Three Weeks.

Romo.  So bad he's good.

The Super Swedes history goes all the way back to the very first CNFLE where they started poorly before putting together a strong run and narrowly missing out on a playoff spot. This time round they started poorly, they are now putting together a strong run which will probably seen them narrowly missing out on a playoff spot. 79FC looked less than convincing against the Lottery in Week 5 and although they posted an improved total the first whispers of doubt must be entering the mind of Martin. Yes Manning hurled the pigskin for a zillion yards and the rest of team did its usual job of posting respectable points but respectable just won't cut it in this league. Perhaps the greatest concern for 79 fans in the lack of depth on the bench with only WR Fitzgerald (sitting this one out on his bye week) a viable option for those in the starting lineup. By contrast the Swedes have an embarrassment of riches with 4 RB's all of whom are potential starters. WR Crabtree is beginning to look like the new T.O both in terms of production and temperament and finally we have QB Romo, a liability for the Cowboys but a star for the Swedes.  One word of warning for the Swedes, Jones-Drew is going to struggle for production all season long behind of woeful Jaguar offensive line.

(NB: No team starting the season 0-3 has ever made the CNFLE playoffs.)

The Fear Factory Fail To Rock.

The Fear Factory failing to rock.

The Fear Factory had a plan. Remain competitive for the first few weeks of the season and then unleash Big Ben. Well, the Steelers QB certainly kept his part of the bargain posting 26.78 on his fantasy return.  The Factory on the other hand continue to set lows only matched by the Lottery. Fading star WR Moss dissapoints regardless of which team he suits up for delivering a paltry 5.50pts. RB Mathews is there only to confirm the fact that you should never draft a rookie (unless his name is Peterson) and WR Smith (not that one, the other one) is fallen out of favour with Manning (not that one, the other one.)
The Rocks appear to have put a couple of shaky performances behind the green door and can one again be considered to be amongst the leagues elite. RB Gore is frightening consistent whether the 49ers win or lose and will certainly be worth watching at Wembley in a couple of weeks time. An injury to the magnificent Gore and the Bones season could still fracture.

(NB: At the time of writing three of the leagues coaches will be attending the Wembley game. Feel free to contact the league Commissioner should you wish to met up with your fellow (slightly drunk) coaches.))

Ttttaylor Refuses To Be Written Off.

Will the real Tttaylor please stand up?

Heading into the Monday night game Ttttaylor trailed the Royales by 6.36pts. Both coaches had one roll of the dice left. Ttttaylor rolling with RB Johnson, the Royales going with WR Mike Sims-Walker.  With the game in the bag for an impressive Titans the ESPN anchors wondered why RB Johnson was still on the field.  Johnson had been held to under 80yrds and depsite Sims-Walker being Sims-Walker this one looked to be going the way of the Royales.  But the match up turned on its head late late late in the game when Johnson's gold teeth reflected the Jacksonville floodlights straight into the Jac's D allowing the leagues No 1 pick to rush his way into the endzone and hand Tttaylor the W.
At 3-3 The Royales slip back into the pack but will the real Tttaylor please stand up, please stand up, please stand up. At 2-4 its true they're in a hole but its not a Chile deep hole. A little application and decent D could yet see them raise to the surface.

(NB: Percy Harvin is currently out scoring Mike Sims Walker by 10.60pts.)

Bench Of The Week

The Swedes left and staggering 64.40pts on the bench in a close win over 79FC.  They may have won three on the bounce but there's no need to get cocky.

Good Call

Tttaylor has been kepting WR Wallace on his bench awaiting Big Ben's return.  Ben starts, Wallace is promoted to the Tttaylor starting line-up and delivers a game winning 15.00pts.

Ball Call

Take your pick from RB Lynch, RB Addai or WR Moore anyone one of these would have won the game for the Lottery.

Vasco De Gama CNFLE II official bookmaker.

The Hairy Frog Disco 2/1 
Tim Riggins Bench Warmers 3/1
Yoda From Wales3/1
Seventy Nine FC 3/1
The Bone Rocks 6/1
French Leader 7/1
Super Swedes 8/1
Royal with TD’s 10/1
Ttttaylor 14/1
Bryants Baptists 16/1
Its A Lottery 28/1
Fear Factory 33/1

And so a third of the season is now in the bag.

Read all about your match ups and the undeniable Game of the Week with Carl and Bob this Saturday.

David Marrs.

1 comment:

  1. These reviews are great fun to read, keep up the good work!

    I didn't leave 64 points on the bench, I was just resting some of my players for the upcoming weeks.

    Yes, I'm 3-3 and are already resting some of my starters for more crucial matchups. That's how confident I am that this year will be the first time that am 0-3 team will make the CNFLE playoffs. Just watch!
