Sunday 28 November 2010

The biggest game of the season so far .... Week 12 Preview

Tatania.  Don't mess.

 Bob & Carl as ordered by Judge Julius Peppers, were sent down, ordered to be transported to the penal colony of Merseyside to serve their life sentences for inappropriate suggestion to ladies of a certain sensibility.

The winter wind gusted, blowing the remnants of the previous days papers across the urban landscape. Twisting and turning the double page spread animatedly jerked across the airway until it laid to rest on an old tramps visage. He awoke, and through his gin soaked bleary ocular receptors focused on the headline. ‘Award winning journalists send to Liverpool as punishment’. The haggard figure suddenly leapt into action. His purpose restored, a mental trigger pulled.

Suited and booted in her Yves St Laurent number, the delightful Tatania certainly looked the part, a .45 strapped to her inner thigh, she left in her Porsche sat nav set to Nottingham, ‘with those dolts out of the way’ she mused, ‘the path is clear’.

The king of Babylonia, searching his pockets for loose raisins upon which to feast found something hard which should not have been there. ‘oh’, said he. Grabbing his regal kagool he hollered ‘ I’m just off out for a while’.

The man in the shadows brushed his teeth, rinsed and spat. ‘Moo har har har’ (evil laugh) went he.

So then, there are three games left to find out who will make the playoffs, and with the Thanksgiving games already played the shape of the results is already in full swing. A brief preview this week will paint the perfect picture, and with nine teams still in with a chance its anybody’s guess how all of this ridiculous hoopla will culminate.

Game of the Week 1.

The Bone Rocks v Ttttaylor

The biggest game of the season so far sees the Bone Rocks take an early lead with Branch & Megatron posting big scores on Thursday. A big fat zero from Dez Bryant for Ttttaylor sees them definitely behind the eight ball this week. With Gore, Jennings, Tolbert and Ryan still to come it could be another good week for the Boners. Ttttaylor will be looking for D-Jack and Vick to tango and Chris Johnson to rediscover his form of last year to save this game and we like his matchup against the Texans this week.
Big numbers from all the star players, but the Niners matchup against the Cards should reap rewards for Davis and Gore and see the Boners home and see them move to 8 wins, pushing Ttttaylor to the brink of elimination.
Verdict – Bone by tttten

Game Of The Week 2.

Super Swedes v Royale with TD’s

The biggest game of the season so far sees two of the Leagues form teams slug it out, for Royale it’s still a case of win or bust, as it has been for the last three weeks. For the Swedes, a win puts the pressure on the Riggins boys and cements their position as the best of the rest in the race for the wild card race.
With Thursdays games played, the edge is currently with the Swedes who have all nine of their players yet to come. Royale have accrued twenty five points from the three who have already played which includes their defence, a total which is we think 10 points under par. They do however have NFL MVP candidate Rivers, and Dwayne Bowe who is riding a red hot streak still to come. That could be the difference as the Swedes have some tough matchups this week including Fitzpatrick against an angry Steelers and have placed their faith in Vincent Jackson to deliver on his return. It’s a big gamble at this stage of the season and could have something to do with Coach Peters Chargers persuasion.

Verdict : Royale by 3

French Leader v The Hairy Frog Disco

French Leader to win by 1?

The biggest game of the season so far, in the division that nobody wants to win, located in the madhouse after we all went through the looking glass.

The Disco finally got a call right in sticking with Tom terrific who posted forty points on Thanksgiving. Trouble is for the Hairies that there is no one else to help out now that Nicks has gone down for the rest of the Carlton regular season. In comes Colts Brown and White, but we think the Hairies will be nursing their bruises, black and blue after this week.

French leader has the numerical advantage in the player department come this evening’s games to assist in overcoming a thirty point midway deficit, with eight players to come including a pass happy Rodgers and the Mac attack in McFadden & Mccoy who could all post in excess of thirty points.

Verdict : French by 1

The Rest.....

The rest of this week’s games has a definite top versus bottom feel to it, and should at all times go the way of the favourite. However, Yoda is in dire trouble with key injuries and a fifty point deficit to overcome. In their favour is that they still have seven to play as opposed to the Lotteries four. Yoda by 7

Riggins boys, fresh from tasting defeat for only the second time this season face up against the hapless Baptists. Trailing by 23, the Bench warmers can call on a full team this Sunday. A win here and a Super Swede loss will guarantee the division title. A loss coupled with a Swedish win, puts it all on the line next week as the Swedes and riggings face off against each other for the title. Now that would be a game to watch. Riggins by 17

Fresh from their record breaking feat of last week, we fear normal service has been resumed for the Factory as their opening three pronged Thursday gambit yielded a paltry fourteen points. Seventy Nine need to win this game to snap a three game losing streak and re-establish their playoff credentials ready for the decider against the Disco next week. Niners by 14

If it all goes as projected then it could be a case of as you were, with no further teams definitely eliminated. It will become tougher for Royale, tttaylor and the Disco, but mathematically they will all still be in with a chance.

Wins this week for Bone, Royale, French Leader, Riggins, Yoda and Seventy Nine, will see the Riggins boys finally clinch Division one, the Bone and Yoda slug it out at the top of Division two and the three way tie at the top of Division 3 reduced to two.

Still no blinking.

Tim Riggins Bench Warmers Evens
Bone Rocks 7/4
Yoda From Wales 3/1
Seventy Nine FC 4/1
Super Swedes 4/1
French Leader 4/1
Hairy Frog Disco 8/1
Royale With Td’s 10/1
Ttttaylor 10/1

Anyone wish to bet a couple of Carltons* on who might be the winner? (Please bet responsibly).

Good luck for the week 12 gentlemen.


* A Carlton is the imaginary currency of the CNFLE II. Each Coach starts with an credit account of 10 Carltons that they can use over the course of the season on hypothetical wagers without damaging the ‘real life’ finances unduly.


  1. This is so depressing. I hate Dwayne Bowe.

    Atlanta-Green Bay was an awesome game though, very exciting. The Falcons are growing on me.

  2. agreed, i like Ryan a lot, think him and Sanchez will be future NFL legends.... and McCoy of course.... :)

    Go Hairies... one more win and then its up against the Super swedes to make the playoffs....
